I picked up the phone and heard his slow, steady, calm Maine accent. Instantly, I was 16 again spending summers in Maine and driving around in a Dodge Charger singing “Margaritaville.” Jerry is a dear friend and had called to tell me about a very interesting “small world” story. But what struck me so profoundly was how all of my senses were set in motion when I heard his voice. I could smell the ocean, feel the breeze on my face, hear the music, see all of my friends and taste the delicious lobster we had grown up with. My entire body relaxed.
“How are you?” he asked. “You haven’t written on your blog in awhile and I thought something might be wrong.” We joked about the title of this blog post and I thought I could finally find it in me to tap out the words. But even after leaving myself a voice mail message with more thoughts about what to write, I still wasn’t able to put it together.
And then this past weekend, I went to Maine. Suddenly, it all clicked. The sight of the black ocean against the moonlight hit me right in the heart. I was ‘home.’ Home in Maine and home in my heart. I had spent a great deal of time and energy the past few months taking care of business but completely ignoring my physical and energetic needs.
Note(s) to self:
1 – Put your oxygen mask on FIRST. Learn how to nourish your senses and your soul so you can give to others.
2 – Hold on to your dear friends. They have a way of sustaining you that beats any pint of Ben & Jerry’s.
3 – Trust there are people out there who are thinking of you and wishing you nothing but the very best every single day.
4 – Take a time out from the hamster wheel of life and connect with the cyclical beauty of nature.
5 – Believe positive childhood experiences have helped you become the woman you are today. Be gratfeful.
With my sincere thanks to my dear friend, Jerry.
I am moving forward again thanks to your gentle kick in the butt…
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