Can you quiet the noise around you before you fall into a deep abyss?

What kind of noise you ask?

The noise inside your head, the onslaught of media noise, the compare and despair noise of social media and the noise of the environment we live in. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg! :)

I’ve had this “cobwebby” feeling lately. It’s almost like I can’t quite get the station clearly tuned in on the radio. The frequency bands are off. Add in the noise, and I can barely hear my own true voice. And in doing so, I stand on the edge of an abyss. The abyss of exhaustion, burnout, confusion and fear. As much as we are moving forward, we are indeed operating in a very different world.

Fear not! It’s not all doom and gloom! But I would encourage you to take these action steps to keep you centered, grounded and healthy in body, mind and spirit. Nothing new and earth shattering – just a simple reminder to reset yourself.

1 – Reduce screen time on all devices. Screen time releases dopamine which effects the frontal cortex of the brain. This is similar to the effect of cocaine. There is a pleasure/reward cycle that happens – meaning the more you are on your devices, the more you want that dopamine rush. Listening to music, meditation and getting enough sleep are much more beneficial activities when it comes to your daily dose of dopamine.

2 – Say goodbye to toxic and time sucking people. Let’s face it – you know these types of people who drain you of your energy,  are always negative and leave you feeling depleted. The person may not realize they are toxic if they lack emotional intelligence, but you certainly know! Instead of depleting your precious energy and state of being grounded, graciously decline invitations from toxic people and instead make space for those who support and nourish you.

3 – Trust yourself. Let me say it again. TRUST YOURSELF. When things feel “off,” they are off – even if you have no physical proof. Your intuition is speaking to you – perhaps in a whisper at first. You may find yourself questioning this voice. Really? The answer is YES! That whisper can become much clearer if you give it the space and breath it needs to communicate with you – unapologetically. You only need to quiet the chaos in order to hear.

These three steps are easier said than done…I know. I have fallen into many abysses over my lifetime. Now I’m putting my skills in place (AGAIN) and strapping on a parachute just in case.

This picture taken outside my window on East 35th Street was a gentle reminder to reduce my screen time, get rid of toxic people, and continue to trust myself – even when there is no physical proof of what I feel.

And wouldn’t you know – the guy in the upper left corner of the gate spoke with me on Saturday morning with an award winning smile – apologizing for the noise. Little did he know how much he and his crew added to my life learning.

There are miracles all around you.