Can you really be happy ALL the time?!

I am an upbeat, enthusiastic, 'glass is half full' kind of woman.  I couldn't tell you where it came from, but I will tell you I am doing my best these days to continue to cultivate my happy ALL the time. I don't know if it comes with age or knowledge or both, but now [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:24-05:00By |Life|

Moving Out of Overwhelm

Yep - it happened again.  That feeling where I get so overwhelmed I become paralyzed - I don't know WHERE to begin or even HOW to begin.  Nothing in my day gets accomplished.  I get all caught up in things that have absolutely nothing to do with my health and wellness - and everything to [...]

2014-10-07T06:34:15-04:00By |Life|

Breathing Teleclass Recording and Highlights!

Here is the recording from our breathing teleclass and a few highlights! Your body burns off 700 billion old cells daily. The old cells are toxic and can cause a sluggish feeling in your body if they are not eliminated at the same rate they are being produced. The waste is easily eliminated if you are breathing properly and getting plenty of oxygen.

2016-12-15T17:19:24-05:00By |Breathe & Eat, Events|

The answer is in your breath… FREE Teleclass, Monday, Sept 22 @ 8pm ET

Have you ever inhaled your food - only to 'wake up' in a food coma with little to no memory of the food coming in or even how much you ate!? Imagine being able to breathe easy with your food - noticing the cues from your body about what to eat and when. By slowing down and focusing on your breath, you can learn to tune into your body's innate ability to self-regulate with food.

September 2014 Newsletter: You Are Perfect In This Moment!

I hope your summer was filled with movement, friends and fun! It was a whirlwind of dance for me - starting last May when I returned to San Francisco to dance again with the jazz dance company, then to the Berkshires in July to teach jazz at Berkshire Pulse, and lastly, the amazing opportunity to teach at Steps here in New York City! It had me questioning why I had put my dance on the shelf for so many years, and I realized the pain was still there that set the foundation for the work I do today.

2016-12-15T17:19:24-05:00By |Monthly Newsletter|

July 2014 Newsletter: I get by with a little help from my friends!

The richness of friendship and the organizations I serve inspire and sustain me. As human beings, we have much to share and learn from one another and yet often we hold back from creating relationships for fear of being hurt, not liked, or the feeling of not being good enough.

2016-12-15T17:19:24-05:00By |Monthly Newsletter|
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