Who’s Got Your Back?
As I watched the team working together on the court, it struck me - again - how important it is to have a strong network of family (or your chosen family) and friends who "have your back."
As I watched the team working together on the court, it struck me - again - how important it is to have a strong network of family (or your chosen family) and friends who "have your back."
I was walking up Madison Avenue last week when I came upon this quote outside a church. As I stood digesting the words, I realized for a brief moment I was standing in silence. I took the photo and came home.
I took a selfie today on one one of my favorite corners in NYC, the northwest corner of 35th and Lexington. I realized there is so much in this photo that may symbolize what we may all be moving through. The Empire State Building: Since its construction, the Empire State Building has symbolized the technological [...]
I'll admit it. I had my gluteus maximus handed to me on a silver platter last weekend. I was teaching jazz dance at Berkshire Pulse in Massachusetts. Two classes on Saturday. One was an hour and a half. The second one was two hours. As a teacher, you generally are not doing the entire class [...]
As we move into the spring, I'm taking a close look at the areas in my life where I feel overstuffed or overwhelmed. o any of these resonate with you?
I love my work and am dedicated to helping you create a peaceful, movement filled lifestyle through technique and anatomical awareness. Your physical body has been beaten down for so long - it's voice strangled in the vicious hatred.
More than half of the women in our community believe that lack of will power is why they are unsuccessful with a healthy eating program. It's NOT about will power.
A number of years ago I was doing a phone interview with a magazine and the reporter asked, "If you don't weigh and measure your clients, how do you measure success?" That question was pivotal for me. "I measure the success of my clients by how they engage in their lives." Boom. That was it.
After surveying our community, I learned that over 62% of the women believed that lack of shopping, planning and preparing food was the #1 reason that derailed them or made them feel unsuccessful with a healthy eating program.
Have you ever inhaled your food - only to 'wake up' in a food coma with little to no memory of the food coming in or even how much you ate!? Imagine being able to breathe easy with your food - noticing the cues from your body about what to eat and when. By slowing down and focusing on your breath, you can learn to tune into your body's innate ability to self-regulate with food.