
It's not about being strong, fit or on top of your game. Resiliency is the top health priority. On a daily basis, we should check in with our physical and energetic selves - a "self check-up." This step has often been overlooked in the past with full careers, hectic lives, and just not wanting to [...]

2009-01-28T08:23:34-05:00By |Life|

Our Greatest Asset

I sat there glued to the television. I felt every word he said. The 44th President of the United States declared "God Bless America!" I turned to my friend, David Thomas from England, who said "That's it! That's America's greatest asset!" He wasn't referring to President Obama. He said "America's greatest asset is that you [...]

2009-01-28T08:20:56-05:00By |Life|

The Holiday Rush…

It's been awhile since I've written...December feels a bit like a blur.  Thanksgiving through Christmas was filled with projects, family and friends. The quality time was fantastic but today I find myself a bit blue and unmotivated to do much of anything.  'Tis the season I guess. I am inspired to organize for the new [...]

2008-12-30T10:45:39-05:00By |Life|

Holiday Season…BREATHE!

Yikes!  Three weeks until Christmas and I find I'm trying to get EVERYTHING done before then!  Projects, organizing, cleaning closets, filing, socializing.  Yet this morning, I can't even catch my breath. Note to self - shift movement/dance/fitness/yoga to the top of my list and prioritize the rest.  My health is by far my greatest asset.  [...]

2008-12-04T07:40:08-05:00By |Life|

Breath and Self Responsibility

I woke up peaceful this morning. No matter what your political stand, the election is over and it seems we can breath again. It felt as if each of us, this country and the rest of the world were holding our breath to witness the outcome of the election. And last night it felt like [...]

2009-01-28T08:26:01-05:00By |Life|

The Energy In and Around the U.N.

The traffic is snarled and noisey.  With less than a mile between my office and the United Nations on 1st Avenue, the air is thick with disgruntled energy.  As world leaders prepare to meet this week, do you suppose they take the time to get grounded and breathe? What would that be like?  The symphony of [...]

2008-10-09T08:48:12-04:00By |Life|

It’s Not About The Doughnut!

I'm amazed when women tell me they "cheated" or "have been bad" when they've had a bit of dessert or pizza.  What?!?  It's not about the doughnut (or the dessert or the pizza)!  Say hello to your stomach! The stomach is located at the end of the esophagus and slightly to the left.  If you [...]

2008-10-09T08:47:26-04:00By |Life|


I'm enjoying the last week of summer with a staycation - not traveling and enjoying some things locally that I never seem to have time to do!  My niece (15) and nephew (17) were in town and we had an absolute blast together in the Big Apple!  (I'll be able to add some photos tomorrow). The summer [...]

2008-08-28T12:26:57-04:00By |Life|

The Jury Duty Workout

I sat on my gluteus maximus for nearly 7 hours on Monday (the "nearly" included my 20 minute walk at lunch time). My verdict is STILL need to move while waiting to serve! So here's my New York US District Court "Jury Assembly Room" Workout! 1 - Unplug! You are not allowed to bring [...]

2008-08-29T03:10:25-04:00By |Life|
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