Pancakes…True Story!

Yesterday, I was CRAVING pancakes. What?!? I went through my usual process - is this a binge, what does my body need, am I upset about something, am I tired? Bottom line - the feelings were neutral. REALLY. So I sat myself down in the diner with a good writing project and ordered my coffee [...]

2009-10-08T08:13:52-04:00By |Life|

Active October!

It's a great month for fundraising walks and events.  This month, two of our members will be walking to raise funds for great causes.  Sarah Richards will be doing the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer on Columbus weekend.  The money she raises will be managed and disbursed by the Avon Foundation Breast Cancer Crusade to help [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:34-05:00By |Life|

It IS about the food!

Whether it's over eating or erratic eating, calories are calories.  A sugar coated doughnut comes in at 200 calories and a blueberry muffin at 360 calories (Time, August 17, 2009, pgs 42-47).  It would take 33 minutes of jogging at 5 m.p.h. to burn off that blueberry muffin.  It would take 92 minutes of vacuuming to [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:34-05:00By |Life|

Biggest Loser & More to Love

I was drawn to the Biggest Loser last night while flipping to watch Luke propose to Tali.  What a night!  Both Malissa and Tali are beautiful and it was refreshing to see healthy, vibrant, curvy, feminine women. Switch back to Biggest Loser - the heaviest female they have ever had on the show @ 476 lbs.  (I remember standing in line here [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:34-05:00By |Life|

Back to school!

It's the time of year when we finish up our summer project list and move into "back to school" mode!  For me, I begin a week of training with Christine Schenk (  Today and Friday I will take a two day program called Energy Body Medication.  Saturday through Wednesday, I will continue on with my [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:34-05:00By |Life|

Living in your summer moments…

Summer flies by so quickly and there is always so much I want to accomplish since I love the heat.  But sometimes I can be going so "fast" that I miss the moment!  This weekend I had the chance to be out in nature and it was here that I realized my senses were feeling [...]

2009-08-18T10:21:58-04:00By |Life|

Plus-Size Trends on Television

Wow!  It's incredible to see the new shows on television!  I guess you could say Biggest Loser may have paved the way, the arrival of Oxygen's Dance Your A** Off and Fox's More to Love signal the arrival of more real sizes on TV!  Now what you think of these shows is another story... I [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:34-05:00By |Life|

Social and Self Responsibility

I continue to be inspired by the idea that we can all contribute in some way to the health of our world through social and self responsibility.  We must first take action to guard our own health - our greatest asset.  Ideas are wonderful, but implementation is key!  Strive to reach "The Basics" this summer [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:34-05:00By |Life|

Grief…such an interesting emotion.

It's a year today since my Yorkie, Champagne passed.  Such an interesting roller coaster of emotions over the past year.  More so this spring as the weather got nice - before all the rain - how I missed sitting on the stoop with her watching the world go by. The five stages of grief was [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:34-05:00By |Life|

The Voice of a Woman

Why is it so challenging for women to use their voices?  While I'm sure there are a zillion reasons, the truth is, if you don't use your voice, life can be frustrating, mismanaged and misunderstood.  It takes a great deal of courage to speak and set boundaries, ask for needs to be met or ask [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:34-05:00By |Life|
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