Rochelle Rice’s SLEEP CHALLENGE!

Getting into bed is a HUGE challenge for me. In order to be able to walk my talk, I'm creating a weeklong SLEEP CHALLENGE September 16-23 cosponsored by Essence of Vali. To join, it's as simple as filling out the Rochelle Rice Sleep Challenge Tracker! [PDF]   I recommend that you print a copy to keep by your bed. At the end [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:31-05:00By |Life|

September 2013 Newsletter

Vacations are lovely. Off-time is imperative. But whether I am resting OR working, I try to place myself in an environment supportive of peace and restoration. I am blessed with an office staff that agrees to begin our work day with 5 minutes of personal quiet. What a difference this makes in how we work, speak and deliver!

2016-12-15T17:19:31-05:00By |Monthly Newsletter|

Summer Health Initiative

Master your basics! This summer work on eight glasses of water per day, five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, and a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night.  This creates a solid foundation for a healthy lifestyle.  Game on!

2016-12-15T17:19:34-05:00By |Fitness & Health|

Holiday Season…BREATHE!

Yikes!  Three weeks until Christmas and I find I'm trying to get EVERYTHING done before then!  Projects, organizing, cleaning closets, filing, socializing.  Yet this morning, I can't even catch my breath. Note to self - shift movement/dance/fitness/yoga to the top of my list and prioritize the rest.  My health is by far my greatest asset.  [...]

2008-12-04T07:40:08-05:00By |Life|

Breath and Self Responsibility

I woke up peaceful this morning. No matter what your political stand, the election is over and it seems we can breath again. It felt as if each of us, this country and the rest of the world were holding our breath to witness the outcome of the election. And last night it felt like [...]

2009-01-28T08:26:01-05:00By |Life|
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