I Couldn’t Have Done it Without You!

You did it! One year later and you're still standing! Bumped and bruised maybe - but hopefully in awe of some silver linings that gracefully appeared over these past 12 months. How do you measure a year - especially this past one? How do you process all that has transpired in your life, in the [...]

2021-03-30T21:26:06-04:00By |2021, COVID, Events, Life, Whole Health|

I Took a Selfie Today.

I took a selfie today on one one of my favorite corners in NYC, the northwest corner of 35th and Lexington. I realized there is so much in this photo that may symbolize what we may all be moving through. The Empire State Building: Since its construction, the Empire State Building has symbolized the technological [...]

3 Quick Tips to Pull You Through the End of Winter and Beat the Blues

We are so close! The official start of spring is March 20th! I swear these three steps have kept me upbeat and out of the blues this winter. They are not miracle cures, but following them will help regulate your mood, hormones and heart.

We did it – and you can too! Change a habit!

startmab[magicactionbox id="2045"]endmab Here it is! The audio recording and worksheet you need to help you create a new habit! Based on my personal experience of Charles Duhigg's book, The Power of Habit, I highly recommend taking the time to listen to this audio recording, fill in the worksheet [Download PDF] or answer the questions below, [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:23-05:00By |Audio Recordings, Life|

Happy New Year from our home to yours!

As we welcome the New Year, David and I would like to thank you all for your friendship, love and faith over this past year.  We are blessed with friends and family - near and far - and you - our clients and community. You are always there to cheer us on! Wishing you a [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:24-05:00By |Life|

The Power of Habit

Author Charles Duhigg does an excellent job with how habits work. There is usually a cue that triggers the routine.  Yes - I am aware of cues and triggers.  But what caught my attention was his idea that a trigger could be a time of day or even a location.  And with that, I'm picturing [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:24-05:00By |Life|
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